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IMI Innovation Management Inc. 

bulletPrivate investment management company.
bulletFocused on healthcare information technology and real estate investments.

 Healthcare Information Technology 

bulletIMI investments generate interest and activity.
bulletPatient-centric emphasis.
bulletEvidence-based medicine. (condition – intervention – OUTCOME)
bulletPersonal health records.
bulletContinuity of care standards.
bulletProductivity & accountability in the health system.
bulletHealth law in Canada.

Real Estate 

bulletReplicating past successes on a larger scale.
bulletBalance the risks of other technology sector investments.
bulletUnique waterfront and university properties.
bulletCapitalizing on 2010 Winter Olympics and retirement resettlement.


bulletSubscription fees
bulletResearch report sales
bulletFees on investments and deals
bulletProfessional services
bulletRent on real estate assets

 Group Partnerships 1994 - present 

bulletNon-profit Societies (chronic disease)
bulletIBM, Microsoft, KPMG, Hill & Knowlton
bulletAsia Pacific Foundation, Government of Canada
bulletMerrill Lynch, HSBC, Ventures West, Telus, HY Louie, London Drugs, Creo
bulletTerasen, WOF, UBC, BC Ferries, IATSE, Rapid Transit Project
bulletFamilies: Arnold, Lawrence, Thorpe, Ganderton, Leitch, Keith, Attridge